That one was from XKCD. For more realistic info, check out Technorati's State of the Blogosphere 2008. I'd like to highlight some key notes from that report:
1. Blogs are Pervasive and Part of Our Daily Lives - 184 million WW have started a blog | 26.4 US, 346 million WW read blogs | 60.3 US, 77% of active Internet users read blogs
2. The line between blogs and mainstream media is blurring - Many mainstream news sources employ some sort of blogging (or micro-blogging, like BBC news)
3. All blogs are not created equal - This Technorati image says it best:
4. Brands "permeate the blogosphere" - in fact, "Companies are already reaching out to bloggers. One-third of bloggers have been approached to be brand advocates." "Four in five bloggers post brand or product reviews, with 37% posting them frequently. 90% of bloggers say they post about the brands, music, movies and books that they love (or hate)."
I would love to see a site like mystarbucksidea in the Philippines soon :) I think it's a souped-up blog.