Popular sanitary napkin brand Charmee has released a mobile marketing campaign called "Text for Gadgets"
With the economy (advertising spend forecasted to go down generally) not in good shape, promos like this would tend to be more effective because consumers get something of value in return for using their brand. Sanitary napkins are a necessity for menstruating women whether or not the economy does well, and if I am not a diehard brand loyalist, there is an incentive to shift.
Some benefits of this program would be:
1. Trial - Some women who are not brand loyalists would be enticed to try, and if they find the product good, they can be converted
2. Loyalty - Keep Charmee buyers loyal (and happy) by offering them rewards
3. Consumption - more purchases = more chances of winning :) There are quite a lot of prizes, which should be more inviting for girls to participate.
4. Communication - you can talk to your participants after the campaign is over.
Mobile marketing is an effective medium to do interactive marketing in the Philippines for a variety of reasons:
1. High penetration of mobile phones - the Philippines has 60% mobile phone penetration, that is a whopping 50-60 million population!
2. Mobile phones are very personal - many people are never too far away from their cell phones, some sleep with their phones, some use it as alarm clocks.
3. Transactions via mobile are instant - unless the messages are clogged at the telcos, a consumer can get instant rewards for something they do.
4. Highly targeted - once you have participants in your program, it is very easy to communicate to them on a one-one basis
On a side note, since I mentioned the economy in the beginning, the US economy is in such a critical condition, who do you think would be better fit to handle the economy, John McCain or Barack Obama?