Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Managers

Sometimes, a presentation of what to do to become ineffective can be effective in showing what must be done to be effective. This slideshare presentation is a good candidate at this style.

So what are the 7 habits to become highly ineffective managers? Here is the presentation:

Here are the 7 habits in summary:
1. Responsibility without authority - Give people a responsibility, but don't give them enough authority to make it happen
2. Set it and forget it - Give people a task, and let them guess how you want it done.
3. Make performance reviews a surprise - Don't give regular feedback to employees and tell them they're "doing fine" and surprise them on the formal performance review.
4. Set no expectations whatsoever - Don't tell employees what're expected of them, but hold them to a standard known only to you.
5. Fight fires, don't set priorities -Throw more and more little balls at employees until they drop the biggest ones.
6. Focus on weaknesses, not strengths -Focus on things that employees did wrong, instead of leveraging their strengths.
7. Training is for losers -Don't train at all, it saves time and some cost.

I actually quite like #2. For people who don't want micromanagement, they'll probably want to figure things out on their own.
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