Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Barack Obama's online presence

Here's a pretty nice widget Barack Obama is sharing via his site (the direct link to the embeddable widget is here). It serves to show that Obama's tax cut is [3 times!] better compared to McCain.

Of interest to me is how Obama seemingly pervades so many communication channels.
CNET reported EA confirming that Obama ads are running in an in-game ad from October until Election Day in November.

Barack has spawned a lot of youtube ads, one of the more interesting vids would be the Barack Roll

There's also the Barack in 30 seconds campaign. There's many user-created videos about Obama.

I especially like Barack's Twitter profile. He has 98,000+ followers, and you can see how digital he is here:

Obama ads also appear in many sites, even supposedly neutral sites like news sites!

Barack Obama also has an iPhone app!
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